The story itself began at June 26th.
I was in the middle of doing some, well let’s say : a project; when my phone
ringing suddenly. The voice in the spoke calmly yet very clearly: “Rian we
schedule you an interview for wireline user in Monday at Cilandak KKO Building.” Oookay, at first I was like jumping for joy; but wait, monday?
And one week before that I was asked to make electricity roadmap planning for DIY 2013 – 2017.
The very moment before my phone rang,
I was browsing internet and looks like I was accepted as participant of IPA
(Indonesian Petroleum Ascossiation) in the next saturday.
One day before that, I was asked
to make a presentation about reliability design for the new airport in Kulon
Progo, and the due date is 27th.
3 days before that, I was asked
to make academic draft report for electricity policy in DIY.
And one week before that I was asked to make electricity roadmap planning for DIY 2013 – 2017.
Dont you think it's over, in that week (it means one week before the phone rang) my lecturer
asked to write some papers (YES, some papers not just a paper but 3 papers) :D
The sum up of all my feeling right now is this meme :
What a wonderful life I have :) #breathe deeply
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Well, okay Sir.... |
What a wonderful life I have :) #breathe deeply