One's destination is not a place, but a new way of seeing things.
-Henry Miller-
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Tampilkan postingan dengan label elektro. Tampilkan semua postingan

Jumat, 05 Juli 2013

Wonderful Life (part 2)

The question is : HOW IT CAN BE SOLVED (pararelly)???

Of course priorities and clear understanding about the problem are needed in here, BUT friends is the most needed one :D.

So, I contacted all of my relatives and here is the result :
  1. Reliability design of Kulon Progo Airport : solved with the help from Pak Nengah (protection and reliability guru in EE UGM; glad to have his guidance J )
  2. Electricity roadmap DIY : helped by 2011 student (thanks Titis :D )
  3. Electricity policy DIY : also helped by 2011 student  (thanks Fachri :D )
So it leave me to the papers; workshop; and interview. The papers is the most priorities in here due to the ICITEE event held in UGM. But doing 3 papers pararelly is just a suicidal mission. None of them are completed :v.

Here is the percentage completion of the papers in June 24th (the due date of submission) :
  1. Impact of Neutral Wire Absence in KBL-5 and KBL-6 : 90% completed --> would be submitted to another event
  2. Modal Optimal Control for UPFC using PSO : 100% (sadly, it was not accepted by my supervisor because it is similiar with the last paper, T.T)
  3. FACTS controlling using Genetic Algorithm : 70% (can’t be completed because suddenly my supervisor told me to change the paper’s theme, -.- )

Well, I think that the papers stuff is a litte (very) boring to you, so let’s move to the cool part.

It was  June 28th friday afternoon when my uncle said that he would pick me up at 5 to see Ramayana Ballet. I am still doing the reability design and looks like that it was impossible. I contacted Nizar to help me made the presentation and it was still impossible to finish it before 5 (the progress is about 90%).  So here is the thing that I do : I create the key point and Nizar made the sentence, and not only that, he also sent the presentation in behalf of me using my email. 
Saya yakin cm saya yg ndak mandi + sandal jepitan pas nonton ramayana ballet :v 

By the way, I recommend you to see Ramayana Ballet, the stage is great, the lighting is awesome, the ballet is majestic, certainly worth every penny J

So, what's next? The IPA workshop and interview :D

The interview is held in Monday in Cikarang KKO building at 10.00 AM, it was too risky going there in Sunday (traffic jam and fatigue issue) and I'm not too crazy to let go the chance attending IPA workshop.
To add the gregetness (wtf :p) of the situation : all train and busses are full booked for saturday night and sunday morning. I also haven’t prepared  for the interview clothes. Pak Sarjiya also ask me to revise the small part of the presentation. HAHAHAHA.

So here is the solution : I am absent from the first IPA session, editing the PPT,  buying some clothes and preparing the things, then attend the 2nd session at 01.20 (late for 20 minutes), and at 5 taking the travel to Depok (thank God, there is still available travel). Btw you won’t believe that eventhough I dont attend studium generale and late for the 2nd session, I was still selected to represent my group to present the result of discussion in front of IPA delegation and a total of 250 participant :v. A chance hard to resist, but logic must takes its role. Politely refuse the chance because travel came at 5.

When I realized  all the things that i've done;  my feeling was like :


Kamis, 27 Juni 2013

Wonderful Life (part 1)

The story itself began at June 26th. I was in the middle of doing some, well let’s say : a project; when my phone ringing suddenly. The voice in the spoke calmly yet very clearly: “Rian we schedule you an interview for wireline user in Monday at Cilandak KKO Building.” Oookay, at first I was like jumping for joy; but wait, monday? 
The very moment before my phone rang, I was browsing internet and looks like I was accepted as participant of IPA (Indonesian Petroleum Ascossiation) in the next saturday.

One day before that, I was asked to make a presentation about reliability design for the new airport in Kulon Progo, and the due date is 27th.

3 days before that, I was asked to make academic draft report for electricity policy in DIY.

And one week before that I was asked to make electricity roadmap planning for DIY 2013 – 2017.

Dont you think it's over, in that week (it means one week before the phone rang) my lecturer asked to write some  papers (YES, some papers not just a paper but 3 papers) :D

The sum up of all my feeling right now is this meme :
Well, okay Sir....

What a wonderful life I have :) #breathe deeply


Rabu, 01 Mei 2013

Latex oh latex

Latex? Oh, ndak, ndak, sama sekali ndak. Saya ndak lagi ngomongin kondom (ya, hampir sebagian besar kondom itu dibikin dari latex). Yang mau saya omongin itu latex  word processing yang tenar buat standar penulisan paper atau karya ilmiah lain itu lho. 

Perjumpaan pertama saya dengan latex kira2 setahun yang lalu, ketika saya n hatta (teman, red) disuruh nulis paper untuk disubmit ke elsevier. Oiya, sebelumnya di tempat kuliah saya memang sejak sem 1 dah dikasi tau Pak Eka (dosen metopen) kalau latex itu pusakanya orang nulis paper.

Long story short, ceritanya mau clbk dengan latex nih, kalau dulu yg penting jadi papernya (ga paham latexnya), sekarang harus paham latex sepaham2nya :). Apalagi kalau bukan karena master Yohan yg mau ngajarin. Hahaha, memang teman saya yang satu itu suuuuuper sekali, hail to master Yohan :).

Ringkasan thesis pokoknya harus pakai Latex!

Kita ndak lagi ngomongin yg ini lho :p
Latex yg bener :D

Sabtu, 02 Juni 2012

The beginning of an end :D

Ah, sepertinya baru kemarin gala dinner penyambutan elektro 2008 (hm hm, bakmi dua piring, nasi goreng sepiring, selad solo sepiring, orange squash tiga gelas, es dawet segelas :D)

Time sure flies so fast, masih segar dalam ingatan betapa asyiknya masa masa selama kuliah : menginap di genesis main DOTA sampai pagi tanpa peduli esok, menikmati panorama matahari terbenam di pematang sawah samping kosan sembari menyeruput teh pahit : bermimpi dan berkhayal, keliling jogja via busway, muterin jogja tiap subuh2, dan segudang petualangan yang lain, oiya jangan lupa soal titip absen dan bolos berjamaahnya :D

Terimakasih atas semua perjumpaan ini, perjumpaan dengan teman2, perjumpaan dengannya, perjumpaan dengan pak nengah dan pak tiyono (wakakakak -_-)

Kepalkan tangan, angkat ke atas, dan senyum. Akan kubuktikan 4 years worth of everything :)

Senin, lab IK jam 11       

Dengan segala kerendahan hati

Rian Fatah M

Jumat, 01 Juni 2012

Go Pendadaran GO GO GO

Halo2, kali ini temanya pendadaran euy :D
Saya mau pendadaran lho. Ha? Apa itu pendadaran? Singkatnya pendadaran itu ujian lisan atas skripsi ente, ada 4 dosen, dua penguji dan dua pembimbing yang bakal tanya2 seputar skripsi kita. Kalau dapatnya dosen penguji baik ya alhamdulillah syukur, alamat lancar2 aja pendadarannya, kalau dosen killer? No comment deh T.T. Sayangnya di kampus saya banyakan dosen killer nya daripada dosen baik hatinya :p

Oiya ada yang penasaran dosen penguji saya? Baik baik, tenang tenang,  kencangkan ikat pinggang, bersiaplah untuk terkejut, dosen penguji saya adalah :
1. Ir I Nengah Sumerti
2. Ir Tiyono MT

Dafuuuuuuuqqq, dosa apa saya? Apakah ada yang dendam dengan saya sampai dibela2in ke dukun buat ngubah dosen penguji saya? @_@ 2 dosen paling killer di elektro bersatu bahu membahu membantai anak imut dan manis ini,wkwkwk

Ada yang belum kenal dengan pak nengah dan pak tiyono? Baik2 saya kenalkan, Pak nengah jarang melulus kan mahasiswanya dengan nilai A (kecuali bimbingan beliau sendiri), pak tiyono? sama aja. Itu baru soal nilai, soal performance dalam medan laga? Sama2 menakutkan, pak nengah terkenal kalau tanya sulit2 (makanya jarang yang dapat A) sementara pak tiyono lebih parah lagi, sudah tanyanya sulit, kalau ditanya tidak tahu, langsung keluarlah ucapan yang memerahkan kuping. Wkwkwkwk. Kalau di dota ini mah serasa kena tabok coup de grace mortred yang pake slotnya keisi rapier semua, instant kill, wkwkwk  owning T.T

Oiya ada yang kelupaan, tentunya berita yang sangat menggembirakan dan sangat langka (sudah saya cek belum pernah dalam 10 tahun ini ada mahasiswa/i yang didadar  pak nengah kombo sama pak tiyono) tidak luput dari perhatian teman2 saya :D
Penasaran apa apa yang mereka lakukan untuk menyemangati saya? Berikut ekspresi sayang mreka yang selalu terngiang2 @_@ :
1. Semangat tah, masih ada semester depan
2. Rekam tah, rekam tah, biar kami bisa melihat melihatmu dibantai sampai berdarah2
3. Tah, ini 50 ribu tak kasih in kamu, asal aku bisa nonton live pembantaian mu (ya, pendadaran di kampus saya memang tertutup)
4. Mati o mati o mati o (Ahahahaha)
5. Banyakin istighfar ya tah, kekna dosa mu sudah terlampau besar

yah apapun yang terjadi siap menatap senin 4 Juni 2012 ruang sidang @lab ik dengan senyuman (senyum pasrah,wkwkwk) Semangat2 :D