One's destination is not a place, but a new way of seeing things.
-Henry Miller-
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Tampilkan postingan dengan label Project. Tampilkan semua postingan

Jumat, 05 Juli 2013

Wonderful Life (part 2)

The question is : HOW IT CAN BE SOLVED (pararelly)??? Of course priorities and clear understanding about the problem are needed in here, BUT friends is the most needed one :D. So, I contacted all of my relatives and here is the result : Reliability design of Kulon Progo Airport : solved with the help from Pak Nengah (protection and reliability guru in EE UGM; glad to have his guidance J ) Electricity roadmap DIY : helped by 2011 student (thanks...

Kamis, 27 Juni 2013

Wonderful Life (part 1)

The story itself began at June 26th. I was in the middle of doing some, well let’s say : a project; when my phone ringing suddenly. The voice in the spoke calmly yet very clearly: “Rian we schedule you an interview for wireline user in Monday at Cilandak KKO Building.” Oookay, at first I was like jumping for joy; but wait, monday?  The very moment before my phone rang, I was browsing internet and looks like I was accepted as participant of...

Jumat, 19 Oktober 2012

Studi hilangnya kawat netral (1)

Apa yang terlintas di bayangan teman2 sekalian kalo dengar kata “kawat netral”. Kalo ditanya ke anak elektro pasti pada jawab buat ngalirin arus netral. Ya, tepat sekali, kawat netral bisa berfungsi buat ngalirin arus netral (bagi yang belum tahu apa itu kawat netral, itu lho kawat yang biasanya di taruh paling bawah disambungan tiang2 listrik, dan ukurannya lebih kecil dibanding yang lain). Nah, kebetulan kami (saya+rovi+fahmi+arip) mbantu2 dosen buat ngerjain proyek tentang kawat netral.  Nama keren proyeknya si, “Studi Pengaruh Hilangnya...